Under the Copyright Act 2001 (Amendment) it is Law in Australia to pay annual public performance licences for permission to play copyright protected music in your business.

If your business is playing our music…your business is exempt from such licences


The public performance collection authorities in Australia are APRA/AMCOS & PPCA. 
You can read more by visiting their web sites.
- Australasian Performing Right Association Limited (APRA) & Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society (AMCOS) 
- Phonographic Performance Company of Australia Limited (PPCA)


Or by visiting the Australian Business Licence and Information Service (ABLIS) website:

To avoid paying annual licences use our music.
It’s 100% APRA & PPCA Licence-Free.
So when your business is playing our great music, your business is exempt from paying annual licences.
Your business only has to pay once, per track, per physical location…for life.
 Your business is not required to pay any authority to use our music.
Your business is dealing direct with the copyright owners (us).
Your business is protected from any legal claims down the track.
Your business can download an exemption certificate.

Sample Public Performance Exemption Form

If your business is interested in using our music for other purposes (radio, web etc) no problems – just add the media pricing when checking out.

Our per track, per location prices are based on

i) the volume of telephone extensions company wide, if more than 10
ii) if you need an alternative format to WAV22k or Mp3 (downloads as both)
iii) the optional uses you can add ( web/ tv/ video etc)

Our standard per Music Track, per location is $39.95 ex gst – once off,
This includes:
– 2 x downloadable audio files in both WAV22k & Mp3
– permission for a single location and
– permission for up  to 10 extensions,
– permission strictly for Music On Hold usage.
Anything else is an option or add on.

Costs for Options & Add ons as follows:

Cost for company-wide (inc global)  Extension Exemptions
11 to 20 extensions $19.00 ex gst
21 to 40 extensions $35.00 ex gst
41 to 60 extensions $49.00 ex gst
61 plus  extensions $69.00 ex gst

Cost per Alternative Format, Per Location $65.00 ex gst – once off, for life.
( Alaw/ Ulaw/ PCM 16bit8khz / DP400 / DP200 etc)

Optional Media Pricing 
to use for multimedia national / international
web $19.00 ex gst
power point $9.00 ex gst
radio $49.00 ex gst

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